Callweaver Main Page
Sergio Basurto Juarez
2012-01-09 18:25:00 UTC
Good Afternoon,

I am very new to Callweaver, it sounds quite good but I was wondering if it still active because the main page does not work


when I try to access it, it sends a 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable

I went to www.fsf.org and I just find a version of November 2007.

is it under active development?, which is the newer version?, where can I find it?

Kind Regards,
Sergio Basurto J.

Itamar Reis Peixoto
2012-01-09 18:34:02 UTC
On Mon, Jan 9, 2012 at 4:25 PM, Sergio Basurto Juarez
Post by Sergio Basurto Juarez
Good Afternoon,
I am very new to Callweaver, it sounds quite good but I was wondering if it still active because the main page does not work
when I try to access it, it sends a 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable
I went to www.fsf.org and I just find a version of November 2007.
is it under active development?, which is the newer version?, where can I find it?
Kind Regards,
Sergio Basurto J.
for me callwever is dying


Itamar Reis Peixoto
msn, google talk: ***@ispbrasil.com.br
+55 11 4063 5033 (FIXO SP)
+55 34 9158 9329 (TIM)
+55 34 8806 3989 (OI)
+55 34 3221 8599 (FIXO MG)
Brandon Mackie
2012-01-09 23:08:36 UTC
Callweaver was originally a fork created to fill the missing features of asterisk. Since then asterisk has caught up and surpassed callweaver in many ways. The site has been down for a very long time now and there have been no releases for a year or more.

-----Original Message-----
From: callweaver-users-***@callweaver.org [mailto:callweaver-users-***@callweaver.org] On Behalf Of Itamar Reis Peixoto
Sent: January-09-12 12:34 PM
To: Users Mailing List - Non-Commercial Discussion
Subject: Re: [Callweaver-users] Callweaver Main Page
Post by Sergio Basurto Juarez
Good Afternoon,
I am very new to Callweaver, it sounds quite good but I was wondering
if it still active because the main page does not work
when I try to access it, it sends a 503 Service Temporarily
I went to www.fsf.org and I just find a version of November 2007.
is it under active development?, which is the newer version?, where can I find it?
Kind Regards,
Sergio Basurto J.
for me callwever is dying


Itamar Reis Peixoto
msn, google talk: ***@ispbrasil.com.br
+55 11 4063 5033 (FIXO SP)
+55 34 9158 9329 (TIM)
+55 34 8806 3989 (OI)
+55 34 3221 8599 (FIXO MG)
Ariel Monaco
2012-01-10 10:22:53 UTC
Take a look at http://freeswitch.org/

Ariel Monaco - Systems Engineer
Flylabs - Open Source Telecommunications and IT Consultants

Address: Potosí 4456 C1199ACP - Buenos Aires - Argentina
Web: http://flylabs.com
E-Mail: ***@flylabs.com
Tel. +54 (11) 4982-2689, +1 (315) 688-7333
Post by Brandon Mackie
Callweaver was originally a fork created to fill the missing features of asterisk. Since then asterisk has caught up and surpassed callweaver in many ways. The site has been down for a very long time now and there have been no releases for a year or more.
-----Original Message-----
Sent: January-09-12 12:34 PM
To: Users Mailing List - Non-Commercial Discussion
Subject: Re: [Callweaver-users] Callweaver Main Page
Post by Sergio Basurto Juarez
Good Afternoon,
I am very new to Callweaver, it sounds quite good but I was wondering
if it still active because the main page does not work
when I try to access it, it sends a 503 Service Temporarily
I went to www.fsf.org and I just find a version of November 2007.
is it under active development?, which is the newer version?, where can I find it?
Kind Regards,
Sergio Basurto J.
for me callwever is dying
Itamar Reis Peixoto
+55 11 4063 5033 (FIXO SP)
+55 34 9158 9329 (TIM)
+55 34 8806 3989 (OI)
+55 34 3221 8599 (FIXO MG)
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